A Somm’s Summer Shift: Navigating Climate Change in Wine and Life
Nikos Panidis
Le Toucher du Vin Tasting
Out of Sight, but not of Touch. The “Le Toucher du Vin” Tasting
My Twelve Favorite Wines of 2023
My favorite wines of 2023. Taking a quick trip down memory lane.
Το κρασί και το Πνεύμα των Χριστουγέννων
Καθώς πλησίαζαν τα Χριστούγεννα στη μέχρι τώρα ασυνήθιστα ζεστή για τον μήνα Δεκέμβριο πόλη, μια τολμηρή ιδέα πέρασε από το μυαλό του Μάιλς. Φέτος αποφάσισε να ενδώσει στην επιθυμία που είχε εδώ και χρόνια, να ανοίξει κάποια από τα κρασιά που είχε φυλαγμένα στο συντηρητή του, στην πιο κοντινή χρονικά ευκαιρία που ήταν το γιορτινό τραπέζι.
The SAY, I LOVE WINE Christmas story
As Christmas drew near, the city basked in an unusual warmth, Miles found himself captivated by a daring idea. This year, he resolved to surrender to the long-held desire to unlock the secrets hidden within the vintage wines resting in his cellar, deeming the festive table the perfect canvas for this extraordinary unveiling.
Akra Chryssos, the New Santorini
As the wines from Santorini capture the attention of serious wine lovers worldwide, a new generation of winemakers, among them Spyros Chryssos is taking on the responsibility of maintaining quality at new sustainable standards while addressing emerging challenges. Here, SAY, ILOVE WINE begins to celebrate some of its rising stars.
Tαϊλανδικό Street Food και Ελληνικό Κρασί
To πάντρεμα του κρασιού με το φαγητό ήταν ανέκαθεν κάτι που κέντριζε την περιέργεια μου, καθώς μου έδινε την ευκαιρία να ασχοληθώ με τον μικρόκοσμο των γεύσεων και να εξερευνήσω τον τρόπο με τον οποίο αλληλοεπιδρούν μεταξύ τους.
Thai Street Food & Greek Wine Matching
Food and wine pairing has consistently stimulated my senses and piqued my curiosity. Engaging in this endeavor fuels my desire to explore, embrace challenges, and seek the gratification of discovering the perfect match.
01. Start making wine-tasting notes
Even wine connoisseurs may need help to recall the basic details of wines enjoyed at tastings. Suppose you don’t belong to people born with the unique ability of hyperthymesia or other fierce mnemonic skills. In that case, a wine journal might be a valuable tool to improve vinous memory and help you keep track of the information you need to remember.
12 New Year’s resolutions for Wine enthusiasts
The start of the year is for everyone the time to look ahead with new projects, plans, and activities that add excitement to life beyond the daily grind. From building a much-wanted wine collection to heading on a wine trip, there are many ways for wine enthusiasts to enhance their wine experience and learn to appreciate it in a new way. Here are 12 ideas for each month to get started.